Non-thesis Track

A master’s designed to meet your health career goals

Studying full time in Indianapolis for one year puts you in the heart of the state’s leading health- and medical-care facilities. If you prefer, a mostly online option is available.

The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics non-thesis track advances your academic training, enhances your ability to critically evaluate nutrition research, and prepares you for evidence-based practice in your community.

You’ll benefit from:

  • 30 credit hours of graduate academic coursework
  • Ability to petition to apply up to eight credit hours of graduate work from other institutions or programs
  • 15 credit hours of electives to customize the degree to fit your educational and professional goals
  • A strong scientific foundation to meet the challenges of a rapidly developing and changing profession

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Joanne Whelan

Earning a master's degree in nutrition and dietetics can open up numerous opportunities for students in the field of nutrition, healthcare, research, education, and much more. 

JoAnne Whelan, Ph.D., RDN, LD